Students attending a CWS training program will need the following items for their program:

  1. Bullet*Government approved active PDF,  personal flotation device (life Jacket)  Mandatory during all training & testing programs.

  1. Bullet *Watersports safety and training whistle (pea-less).   

  1. Bullet*Shoes suitable for in water work.

  1. Bullet*Swimwear that covers shoulder and thighs (T-shirt & shorts or a wet suit)

  1. Bullet*Canine Life Jacket - we recommend the K9 Float Coat by Ruffwear.  K-9 Life Jacket is required during training programs, optional during water testing events. EXCEPTION: Dogs in training for submersion retrieves are not required to wear a lifejacket, but may wear a harness. No Throat Collars allowed on dogs in the water.

  1. Bullet*Watersports lead (optional) for life jacket or harness.

  1. BulletCanine toys that float and toys that sink.

  1. BulletFour to eight cups of non-soluble high value treats (hot dogs, hard cheese, shrimp, chicken or beef cut-ups). Store treats in a dog proof container inside a cooler.  To avoid weight gain and to ensure the treats maintain a high value, avoid feeding your dog “free” meals prior to start of your training program.

  1. BulletOptional comforts:  Chair, crate, harness & leash for land work, lunch, sun protection, dog shampoo, towels, water and a treat pouch.  Toilet, running water and changing area available.

For your dog’s safety, dogs must wear a life jacket during training, but may wear a harness, instead of a life jacket, during submersion training.  Throat collars must be removed prior to entering the water to prevent the possibility of strangulation or panic should the collar become snagged.  A watersports lead is acceptable when it’s attached to the harness or life jacket, but leash free leadership is the ultimate goal.

*In Water Programs


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